Thriving Families, Thriving Communities
Unidos Bridging Community is a Latinx-led nonprofit that promotes integration, participation, and success of Latinx individuals and families in Yamhill County. We offer culturally specific programming, including services for community building, health and wellness, and workforce development. Unidos also advocates for system changes and collaborates with local service providers to improve the lives of Latinx immigrant communities.
Together we can develop stronger, thriving communities in Yamhill County
Promoting the integration, participation, representation, and success of Latinx individuals and families in Yamhill County since 2012
Our Vision
We envision just, equitable, and thriving communities in Yamhill County where the contributions and cultures of all residents are valued, honored, and respected.
Our Mission
Promote the integration, participation, representation, and success of Latinx individuals and families in Yamhill County
Our Values
Wellness, Equity, Integrity, Learning, Teamwork, and Humor.
Three Ways You Can Help Us Today
Here are three unique ways that you can get involved and help us in our mission.
You can volunteer, make a donation, or join our mailing list to receive updates about our program activities, events, and future opportunities.
Volunteering at Unidos can be a rewarding experience that allows you to help us bridge communities while developing new skills and connections.
Simply fill out our volunteer form and we will get in touch with you regarding our volunteer opportunities
By donating to Unidos, individuals and businesses can contribute to a collective effort to make a difference and create positive change in our local community.
We have both one-time and recurring donation options. Just click the button below to send your donation today!
Join our list to be the first to learn about new events and volunteer opportunities.
Connect With Us
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Unidos share about my organization’s event, program, project or community forum with the Unidos base of clients?
We can provide outreach and community engagement services on a paid contract basis. Please contact us at to share about your needs and we can provide a proposal and quote.
Can Unidos promote my organization’s event, program, project or community forum on Unidos’ social media?
We can provide marketing services through our social media reach on a paid contract basis. Please contact us at to share about your needs and we can provide a proposal and quote.
Does Unidos offer English language or Spanish language classes?
At this time, we do not offer these services.
Does Unidos provide interpretation and translation services?
At this time, we do not offer these services.
Does Unidos assist individuals with the process to adjust an immigration status?
Can organizations refer Spanish-speaking clients to Unidos to assist with finding community resources?
We do not provide this service. We encourage organizations to refer clients to call 2-1-1 for assistance finding local resources and services.
Does Unidos assist youth with filling out college applications and securing financial aid for college tuition costs?
At this time, we do not offer these services.
Does Unidos help Spanish-speaking clients to find housing, employment, legal assistance, or child care?
No. We encourage organizations and clients to call 2-1-1 for assistance finding local resources and services.
Free COVID tests ya están disponibles para ordenar por correo. Se están enviando 4 tests por domicilio. Ordenen sus tests en: ... See MoreSee Less
¿Necesita cobertura médica?
Llame a Alejandra Cortes
971-312-1723 ... See MoreSee Less
Call Now
Unidos Bridging Community
To promote the integration, participation, representation, and success of Latinos in Yamhill County.Te interesa abrir un negocio de cuidado infantil en el hogar?
Este entrenamiento GRATIS de tres días ofrecerá información a personas que desean comenzar un negocio de cuidado infantil en el hogar. Los participantes aprenderán acerca del proceso de lanzar el negocio, las licencias requeridas, el mercadeo, cómo mantener registros y mucho más. Tambien recibiran un estipendio de $150 solo por participar. Y los que terminen el proceso de abrir un negocio de cuidado infantil en el hogar podrían ser elegibles para una beca de $1,000 para comprar muebles, materiales y suministros para su nuevo negocio. Registrate hoy:
Para mas informacion o registrarse por favor llame a Brenda 541-653-4824 o
FECHAS: Noviembre 2, 3 & 9
HORA: 9 a. m. - 2 p. m.
DÓNDE: Family Resource Center in McMinnville
Tendremos comida y cuidado de niños ... See MoreSee Less
Head Start of Yamhill County is recruiting participants for the ages 0-3 for Early Head Start program and Toddler classes and 3-5 for our Head Start preschool program. Applications are accessible in our website or at any of our center locations in McMinnville, Lafayette, Newberg, and Willamina-Sheridan. For our online application, click here to apply:
Head Start del Condado de Yamhill está reclutando participantes de las edades de 0 a 3 años para nuestro programa de Early Head Start y la clase de niños pequeños. También para nuestro programa de edades 3-5 años para el programa de Head Start para la pre-escuela. Aplicaciones están accesibles en los centros escolares localizados en las diferentes comunidades de McMinnville, Lafayette, Newberg y Willamina-Sheridan. Para nuestra aplicación en línea, haga click acá: ... See MoreSee Less
Los invitamos a las clases de nutrición gratuitas!
Llame a Sanjuana 971-241-7271, para registrarse o para más información ... See MoreSee Less
Unidos Bridging Community participated in an exclusive tour this week by Seeding Justice of their new Center for Social Justice. We are honored to have the opportunity to learn from this innovative philanthropic strategy for movement-building partnerships! ... See MoreSee Less
La semana pasada tuvimos la oportunidad de proveer educación a los trabajadores agrícolas de como mantenerse seguros de las temperaturas altas y como tomar precauciones sobre los incendios forestales en @sheawinecellars. Agradecemos a Salud Services por la invitación.
Last week we had the opportunity to provide education to farm workers on how to stay safe from high temperatures and how to take precautions about wildfires in @sheawinecellars. We thank Salud Services for the invitation. ... See MoreSee Less
Celebrate with us in November - ... See MoreSee Less
Celebrate with us in November
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